Hitting is considered one of the most vital aspects of volleyball. The better and more powerful the hitting is, the more fierce the competition/tournament becomes. It is the hitting skill that often decides the winning and losing side during a tournament. Henceforth, so much importance is given to hitting. Volleyball players and coaches around the world swear by volleyball hitting trainer devices. There are multiple ways that a volleyball training machine can improve the skill and take the gameplay to the next level.
Better defense
Before incorporating the attacking gameplay, a player needs to watch out for the ways and strategies put up by the opposing team. The volleyball hitting trainer enables the player to identify the open shots and thereby start with the attacking movements. One of the easiest ways is to take the eyes off the ball quickly and have a look at the defense of the opposition. Training with a volleyball hitting device improves peripheral vision and maximizes the defense potential. The more the player gets to practice and work on the defense, the better he/she becomes.
Hitting the ball at the correct level
There are times when a player jumps to hit a ball, but it ends up in the opposite direction of the hitting shoulder. This creates a line shot or a cross-court shot. The volleyball players always want to ensure that the ball is in front and line with the hitting shoulder. This enables the players to hit the ball with the maximum power. When a player jumps too soon and the ball is quite far away, he/she will hit the ball into the net. The ball goes over the net, if one is behind it, and there won’t be much power one can propel.
One of the common mistakes committed when the ball is at the back is that the players arch back to get the ball in front. On some occasions, it might work but can develop injuries to the lower back. The presence of a volleyball hitting trainer and practicing on it on a day-to-day basis can bring all the difference in hitting at the correct level.
Mixing the shots
When a player trains using a volleyball hitting training device, he/she can practice incorporating a wide array of shots. This helps him/her to become better at hitting, which is significantly important when there are long rallies during tournaments. Furthermore, one also gets to learn to hit roll shots, hitting cut and line shots at various angles. Practicing and training using coaching devices also helps to become a more versatile and stronger hitter even when the non-dominant hand is in use. This skill development makes the opponent party guess the angle and speed of the next hit.
Fixing common volleyball hitting mistakes
- While approaching the net, a volleyball player might have the wrong foot placed on the forward and backward movement of the arm swing. If a player is right-handed, he/she must have the arms moving forward with the footwork of the left foot and then swing back with the right A left-handed hitter needs to follow the opposite.
- Often players are excessively under the ball and have to reach back far enough with the arms swinging to spike the ball. When such an incident takes place the player is either leaving the court floor early or not getting far enough off the net to get a full approach. To fix the problem of not leaving the floor early the player must have a watchful eye over the setter’s hands. Furthermore, the players not getting far enough off the net, marking a spot on the floor can be helpful to indicate where he/she should jump at the net while swinging the
- Incorporating ladder drills are an excellent method of enhancing the footwork of the The drills help the player to focus on the ins and outs of the movement, which is also great to improve the speed and agility. Jumping ropes can also help to increase foot speed, which is an important aspect of volleyball gameplay.
Hitting, or spiking is an important component of volleyball gameplay. To improve the angles, footwork, and position of gameplay, players practice using volleyball hitting trainer machines.